Prosvasi Talks is a series of online meet-ups.  The initiative is a first step to bring together civil society actors - citizens, civil society organizations, local and national actors, youth networks, academics, and researchers - and encourage a discussion among them on crucial social issues.


Why Talks?

The essential approach of Prosvasi Talks is based on the fact that they unfold in an interactive manner, as a discussion, and a dialogue that takes the form of online conversation, and not a lecture. This will be possible through the speakers’ constant interaction through Slidos, Q&A sessions, and online polls.

The first Prosvasi Talk took place on January 4th 

The topic of discussion was Energy Crisis in Europe explained in simple, practical terms.

What do we really know about energy crisis and what are its effects and implications for policies, markets and economies throughout Europe?

Key Elements:


You can watch the online session here: Prosvasi Talks: Energy Crisis 

Prosvasi Talks: Climate Justice

February's #ProsvasiTalk concentrated on the topic of Climate Justice. 

In the most plain and simple manner the United Nations explain climate justice by stating that "the impacts of climate change are not borne equally or fairly", and that it is the "people that least contributed to climate crisis that are most likely to feel the effects of it". Understated here is that climate crisis becomes not only a socio-economic issue, but mainly a human rights issue. Much more than a notion, climate justice is a movement that brings attention to these injustices and unfairness, and paves the way for a safe, fair and sustainable society.

Key Elements:


Watch the online session here: Prosvasi Talks: Climate Justice 

Prosvasi Talks returns on April!

#ProsvasiTalks returns on Wednesday, April the 5th, this month concentrating on the topic: Bridging the Gap: Women in Decision-Making Positions

Key Elements of our discussion:

Bridging the gap, we will talk about women through:


Kyriaki Karydou:  Gender Equality Expert, ViLabs 

Dr Georgia Panagiwtidou: School of Political Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Prosvasi Talks Summer Edition: Καλοκαίρι στην Ελλάδα: πρόσβαση για όλους;

Τα #ProsvasiTalks επέστρεψαν με ένα  καλοκαιρινό και άκρως επίκαιρο επεισόδιο την Τετάρτη 19 Ιουλίου 2023

Αυτόν τον μήνα η συζήτηση επικεντρώθηκε γύρω από το θέμα της πρόσβασης και της συμπερίληψης στο Ελληνικό καλοκαίρι: πως τη βιώνουν τα άτομα με αναπηρίες, ποιές είναι οι ανάγκες που προκύπτουν, ποιές είναι οι κοινωνικές δράσεις που γίνονται σχετικά με την πρόσβαση, την συμπερίληψη και την κάλυψη αυτών των αναγκών, αλλά και τι θα μπορούσε να γίνει καλύτερο;

Βασικά σημεία συζήτησης:

Στο πάνελ συμμετείχαν οι ομιλητές:

Γεωργία Καλτσή: παραολυμπιονίκης αθλήτρια ξιφασκίας, αθλήτρια μπάσκετ 

Ιουλία Ακριβοπούλου: μέτοχος και διαχειρίστρια της εταιρίας Akriman (SeaAccess)